tisdag 22 april 2008

Carter säger som saken är...

Ingen presidentkandidat vågar säga emot Israel.

Michael Rivero på WhatReallyHappened skriver:
Rice says Carter was warned against meeting with Hamas
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday the Bush administration explicitly warned former President Jimmy Carter against meeting with members of Hamas, the Palestinian faction that controls the Gaza Strip and which is regarded by the U.S. as a terror group.
Posted Apr 22, 2008 09:20 AM PST

HAMAS is the legally elected government of Palestine. So much for "supporting democracy."

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

som saken är... Carter, den sämsta av usa:s presidenter. talade om fred med hamas, o följande dag sa dom att dom aldig kommer att erkänna israel :) patetisk idiot o terrorist kramare

Lars Osterman sa...

Du får gärna ha den åsikten. Jag är av annan åsikt även om Carters presidentskap var David Rockefellers lilla kupp genom TR & Z.Brzezinsky & Mondale.
Jag har själv varit ca 30 ggr i USA sedan 1980 och träffat många människor och pratat om även detta.

Carter är trots allt en insider som sent omsider börjat fatta hur allt hänger ihop. Och beskyller Israelerna någon för att vara antisemit - DÅ vet vi alla att den personen är på rätt väg och strävar mot något ädelt och gott mål.

Även Finlands expresident Mauno Koivisto kom först efter att han trätt ned från makten att visa sina bästa egenskaper och komma med sina mest uppskattade åsikter som opinionsbildare.

Lars Osterman sa...

Det finns mycket som folk inte känner till om Jimmy Carter och vad som var på gång i hans administration.
Bl.a. planer på penningreform. Inte att undra på att CIA ordnade med krisen i Iran vilket sedan kom att fälla Carter. Krigsgalningen Reagan tog över...and the rest i history.


Richard C Cook skriver:

"in the mid-1980s, I was a policy analyst at the U.S. Civil Service Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Jimmy Carter White House under his special assistant for consumer affairs, Esther Peterson."

"When I worked at the Carter White House, I was organizing a study group on monetary reform, which was to include income policy, when Carter was voted out of office in favor of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

The election of 1980 was a watershed in U.S. history. It was a takeover of the policy apparatus of government by the extreme right-wing. This affected every aspect of American politics and culture. Those of us who remained in government but still believed we had a positive role to play in supporting the progressive aspirations of the American people thereafter kept a low profile."

"..it is important to keep the pressure on Congress and the political system to think about a Basic Income Guarantee when they think about income and tax policy. Any progress in this direction is worthwhile. It is also critical to work toward making a Basic Income Guarantee part of the progressive political agenda. See, for example, an article in The Progressive a few months ago by editor Matthew Rothschild entitled, “Our Sinful Economy.” It is essential to have workable proposals ready as our economy continues to stumble into the crises that are inevitable given the huge problems that exist with income maldistribution, the continuing decline of the social safety net, rising crime statistics, and the collapse of the ability of the federal government to meet the needs of the nation through the budget process.

It can be pointed out to progressives that the monetary reform movement can show that a Basic Income Guarantee is not only ethically and spiritually the correct attitude of society but that it is also an economic necessity. Two books on the subject which I strongly recommend are The Lost Science of Money by Stephen Zarlenga, head of the American Monetary Institute, and The Grip of Death, a Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics by the British author Michael Rowbothan."