måndag 3 november 2008

Alfred Webre

Här har vi en synnerligen intressant man. Och en synnerligen intressant och aktuell artikel om finanskrisen bakomliggande orsaker och kopplingar:

A Financial False Flag

The current Globalist Financial Crisis is a Financial False Flag operation. It is a controlled collapse of the globalist economic system, engineered by an international war crimes racketeering organization. The globalist financial system is being intentionally destabilized with the same technologies that the government of Salvador Allende was destabilized in Chile by Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon on behalf of David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds, resulting in Allende's assassination on September 11, 1973.

The Financial False Flag designed to accelerate the deterioration of First World economies, democracies, and prosperity, in aid of a larger program of global depopulation. The same powers who control the Federal Reserve Bank are intent on depopulating between 1/3 and 2/3 of the current human population, in service to a grotesque covert elite plan.

Här han du titta på Alfred Webre på video. (rekommenderar)

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