Citigroup lär enligt artikel ha varit tvungen att injicera 7,5 miljarder dollar från Abu Dhabi för att undvika en likviditetskrasch. Lånet leder till att araberna får 4,9% av aktierna - den största aktieposten i Citigroup. Ett citat från den ursprungliga artikeln på www.wsws.org/ av Joe Kay:
"The problems facing Citigroup are a more concentrated expression of problems facing the entire American banking system. In an article published in the Financial Times on Tuesday (“Why banking is an accident waiting to happen”), columnist Martin Wolf notes that banks have devised many ways to get around government regulations on capitalization ratios.""Det man gömmer under snö kommer alltid fram vid tö" - bankernas girighet har inte haft några gränser. Men nu blev det troligen stopp. Vi kommer troligen att få se en räcka ovanliga ageranden och sammanslagningar innan detn oundvikliga kraschen kommer.
"These mechanisms were the vehicles for making a great deal of money for a small layer of executives and investors, profiting off the parasitic extraction of wealth from the working population as a whole, including its poorest sections. The process worked fine as long as the housing market continued to go up, but as the market deflates, they are all beginning to unwind."
2 kommentarer:
Hänger inte med i resonemanget. Lånades pengar ut från Abu Dhabi eller köpte nån från Abu Dhabi 4,9% av aktierna.
Jag tvivlar också att 4,9 är det största aktieposten i Citigroup då jag tidigare har läst om att Saudiska intressen (inklusive BinLadin familjen) äger flera tiotalas procent av Citi.
Hejsan Ingeniören. Du borde ha läst källhänvisningen:
"US banking giant Citigroup announced a deal with Abu Dhabi to secure a $7.5 billion cash infusion. The arrangement is intended to shore up the bank’s financing amidst an ongoing credit crisis, but the desperate character of the deal is an indication of the deep crisis facing American capitalism."
"Citigroup—the largest US bank and the largest corporation in the world measured by assets—has been particularly hard hit by the deflation of the US housing market, which has called into question the value of hundreds of billions of dollars in mortgages and securities. "
"The structure of the deal is unfavorable for Citigroup. The $7.5 billion will be exchanged for equity units convertible into shares in the company within the next four years. Until the conversion time, Citigroup has agreed to pay out an interest rate of 11 percent annually—which exceeds the average rate for junk bonds in the United States. At the end of the period, ADIA will be the largest single shareholder of Citigroup, with up to 4.9 percent ownership. "
"ADIA’s share of Citigroup will exceed that of the current largest shareholder, Prince Al Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, who purchased 3.6 percent of the company at the time of its last major financial crisis, in 1991."
(det är säkert så att flera enskilda aktieposter torde ägas av samma intressen/familjer- men man har avsiktligen delat upp posterna för att dölja det hela.
Det är ju det som Rothschilds är bäst på. Sålunda kommer dom aldrig med på Forbes lista trots att dom kontrollerar egendom för "several tens of trillions"....
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