måndag 30 november 2009

Ahtisaari, Kosovo, Rothschild

Kan det här vara förklaringen till att Ahtisaari belönades med Nobels fredspris i fjol..?

Hittade detta i en online bok av serben Dejan Lucic


Important Rothshild companies in this region are Carlyle Group and the International Crisis Group which, led by Soros, has been campaigning for independent Kosovo for years. In addition to Sorosz, the group is finaced by Rupert Murdoch (Sky), Goldman Sacks, JP Morgan... Members of this group are or were Marti Ahtisari, James Lion, Morton Abramovich, Louise Arbour, Bzezinski, Wesley Clark, Mihail Hodorkovski, Thorvald Stoltenberg... The staff have changed, but not the anti-Serb policy.

Marti Ahtisari, one of Rothschils’ representatives

Ahtisaaris International Crises Group är enligt samma källa en Rothschild front. Hmm vem vet..

Kan Florida så kan Sverige och Finland....

Något att ta modell av i politiska valkampanjer även på våra breddgrader?


A cornerstone of the economic plan is to create a Bank of the State of Florida. We will put the power of modern banking to work for the people of Florida, not for Wall Street.

Over the years, interest has been the biggest cost most families had. When you pay interest to the bank, that means less money for your family. Reducing interest costs can save a family hundreds of thousands of dollars.

lördag 28 november 2009

onsdag 25 november 2009

Economic Stability & Pete Young

Jag hittade en ny intressant websajt med massvis nyttig information.


Det jag själv speciellt mycket uppskattar är att här går man direkt in på skillnaderna mellan Ron-Paul-&-Pete- Schiff-goldbug-free-market-banking och Stephen Zarlenga-government-fiat-money-&-100%-reserve-real-banking. Killarna här satsar klart sina kort på Zarlenga.

Titta igenom dessa tre korta snuttar där sajtvärden Pete Young intervjuar Joe som verkar veta en hel del - så klarnar många frågor även för dej, hoppas jag.

Del 1 där det pratas om varför den österrikiska skolan har fel....

In today’s Coffee, Part 1, Joe distinguishes between debt-based (what we have now) and debt-free fiat money systems and explains why the debt-free solution is superior to reforms suggested by Austrian economists (like Peter Schiff), such as free banking and commodity (i.e. gold) backing.(läs allt)

Del 2 där man bla. pratar om fiat-pengar, avsiktlig inflation, kampen om makten om pengarna, hur britterna sedan gammalt alltid använt sedeltryckpressen som ett vapen för att destabilisera sina motståndare - i detta fall kolonialisterna i Amerika i slutet av 1700-talet. Även Weimar-tiden belyses med Zarlengas fakta om hur weimarpengarna var i privat kontroll - inte i statlig. Hyperinflationen var m.a.o. inte statens fel.

Joe discusses the mythology behind the Continental, the debt-free currency that allowed the colonies to fund the revolutionary war independent of the european banks, as well as the hyperinflation of the Weimar currency in the 1920s. He recommends students read Stephen Zarlenga’s The Lost Science of Money for more detail. (läs allt)
Del 3 där man kommer med argument mot dem som klandrar statsmakten för korruption och sannolik hyperinflation om statsmakten får hand om penningmakten i ekonomin.

Pete starts by asking: if we can’t control govenment spending when we have to borrow the money (as we do now) the how can we keep it in check if we give the government the printing press? Everyone knows you can’t trust government!

Joe argues that the benefits of a government issue money system, like that advocated here, are its permanence and its simplicity... (läs allt)


Notera även denna link där du kan kolla flera intervjuer med deltagare från årets AMI Monetary Conference i Chicago. http://www.monetary.org/ConferenceInterviews.html

ACTA dej för detta...

Denhär filmsnutten hittade jag hos Sultan...men själva ACTA-ärendet har jag stött på flera gånger.
Tydligen handlar det om ett nytt fanstyg som musikindistrins snikna jurister hittat på.

Russia Today:

Och alla underhandlingar pågår bakom slutna dörrar...varför det? Vad är det som inte tål dagsljus ?

fredag 20 november 2009

Bill Still once more...

Bill Still forum

8.11 report

16.11 report

tisdag 17 november 2009

The Money Fix


THE MONEY FIX by Alan Rosenblith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Partially based on a work at www.archive.org.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.themoneyfix.org.

torsdag 5 november 2009

"Brist på vaccin" är fabricerad medialögn

Begrunda följande:

H1N1 vaccine shortage fabricated to create hysteria, boost demand?

(NaturalNews) There's a fascinating book by author Robert Cialdini called Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion. As someone who frequently writes about Big Pharma's social engineering tactics, I've read and studied many of these tactics, noting carefully how governments and Big Business use them to wage disinformation campaigns against the People.

I was recently chatting with friends on my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/NaturalNews) when a friend named Jennifer pointed out that she thought the vaccine shortage had been intentionally engineered to create greater demand once the vaccines were available. This immediately got me thinking about a chapter in the Cialdini book that writes about something I call the "disappearing cookies in the cookie jar" experiment.
Kolla videon jag hittade på www.davidicke.com

söndag 1 november 2009

Vad betyder Köpenhamnsavtalet ?

Lyssna på Lord Moncktons argument mot att skriva under avtalet....